Artwork: DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns

Great artwork of my DevOpsDays NYC talk last month, explaining DevOps patterns and anti-patterns; and some great feedback (from some well-respected folks): "The topic from @KishoreJalleda is one of the best I’ve heard brought up in a long time. We need to progress closer to the customer and it’s a topic I’ve been fascinated by for a while now." "Availability is everyone’s job, not just ops!💯 @KishoreJalleda" "YES! Uptime 9s don’t matter if users are unhappy! Hearing how much uptime is good enough makes me happy" "Your customers don't care how many times a day you ship code, @KishoreJalleda on focusing on end users, not engineering velocity" "It’s really important to know true empathy, live like your customers; embrace their experiences" "Ops Engineering isn’t dead or going anywhere, but it’s time to take responsibility for our destiny." "DevOps is table stakes. Everyone is moving toward that. The r...